Friday, December 19, 2008

The end of New Moon

Yup, you guessed it.
I've finished!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's so nice reading it.. I never could let to any book when I almost reach the end of it. I just couldn't... I'll keep reading, reading, and reading until I reach the words "the end" or "to be continued". Weird??? Sure it is... But.. I just couldn't help it. hehehe

I started get glued to it since the part when Bella has to go Italy, to save Edward from provoking the Volturi Family... Maybe part of it.. because I was really thrilled... at last... after tons of chapters with no Edward Cullen in those... Well, he isn't the reason why I read the book.. But, the story is about a girl that falls in love with him, it's a love story.. and those chapters are about brokenhearted, pain, delusion, and all of that sort of negative feelings of a brokenhearted girl.

it's just... not something that I would love to read about. hehehe
Not because that it also reminds me of my own past experience of post broken relationship, but I am used to... feel the characters emotions in the book. Specially the ones that are the protagonists. I'll feel happy when it's a happy ending, when something sad happens, I could cry with them.
Yes, I guess I am.

Now that I've finished the book, with a happy ending, I couldn't be happier. And now, the book took me to a scene, a city... an old one, that brought a lot of imagination to me. A city that practically within my reach, Volterra, a small city in Italy. And now... I'm having a holiday.... now, I don't need a visa to go to Schengen countries.... God, this is really tempting me!!!!!
I would really love to go there. I am.
The only string that bounds me to where I am now... is money.
Right, I don't have the money to support my leisure tourism. Though, actually, yes I have the money.. but.. NO. It's the money that I intend to keep at all cost, it's for something that is very urgent and unpredictable. So, I couldn't let go my insurance just for a moment of euphoria, right???

Anyway, I put Volterra on the list of places that I definetly go if I have the chance!!!

This is the end of my New Moon...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My words as Isabella Swan

you told me to go on with live
mortal life

pretended that you've never existed
not just in my life
but in the whole world

you took away all of the proof of your existence
you didn't left any trails
nothing that I could treasure
not even a shadow

can't you see that it's so cruel??
to leave me behind with all of these tears?

you said mortal memory is fragile
it'll fade with time

at least....
let me remember you as my sweet memory
left me something that I could treasure till the end of my life

don't ask me to pretend that you never exist
for you are special for me
in every way that I could describe

the way you left me now
hurt me so deeply.........................

So deep
that the pain will still lingers
till the time I won't feel any pain anymore

I'm Brokenhearted...

I decided to start reading the books. I know, I know... those are Christmas presents... I am not supposed to touch the books before Christmas!!! I know...... >.<. I also think that way.... But.. I'm going to spent 6 days of my holiday to work, and I still have that 2 reports to be done, Plus that 1 presentation, and those exams that are coming..

Especially one of my lovely teachers insisted us to read the text book and lots of other theory books to support our analysis!!!! It seems that I've found my boyfriend for the next 3 weeks.. : Marketing and Front Office books.... (sigh...... >.<)

How about the books that I just received????
Well, I planned on finishing them by the end of this week!!!!!!!!

I started with New Moon, with the so perfect boyfriend, Edward Cullen.....
After I read few chapters..... there goes my romantic dreams....... he left Bella!!!
I've always been drifted along with the story of the book that I read, sometimes I could be drowned so deep that I could completely forgot the real world that I am in. And now.. when the story went to the side that I never favor (but I know a total all the time happy story would be very boring), I am in a point that I need a break of reading. It means that I won't continue reading until I'm ready. XD

My feeling right now.. would be best describe as... brokenhearted.. as a girl and a reader, it would be normal for me to place myself as the girl protagonist, especially if the story is from inside her eyes. Now that she is brokenhearted and the way they parted is just... so painful that I could almost felt the despair within myself. The best thing to describe it is the Evanescence song, My Immortal.

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave
Coz your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

You used to captivate me by your resonating light
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me

I tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone,
But though you're still with me, I've been all alone all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I've held your hand through all of these years
But you still have all of me, me, me, me

My Parcel has arrived!! ^^

Last Thursday night I was just curiously checking the books on internet.. it unexpectedly made me realized that I never had a package sent to me.. Well... now that I remember.... it's only once.. another online shopping. But that's it, I never received any letters apart from the letters I received from bank regularly. Honestly... I longed for letters or packages.... since my friends often received those things from their friends or family. Well, I never asked for them to my family or friends either... coz.. I don't really need anything, true. But.... still... somehow.. I keep checking the mailbox and hope for something would be there (though of course, it always nothing inside). XD

So... I decided to buy my own Christmas gift. Coz.. I know that my parents won't send me anything, though maybe I'll get some presents from my friends in Switzerland. And I'll spent Christmas in here anyway, most probably with only some of my friends, small little celebration without anything much to expect. For New Year... I'll spend it by working. Yup.. working. I'm not that dissapointed though, cause... er... nothing really special that I could do anyway.

Last year I did speant my new year's eve partying in Montreux. It's a grand Party with 21 great DJ's. It was really fun, but tiring in the same time. I remembered I was fighting with the urge to sleep in the train station while waiting for the first train. And even in the train I need to stand all the way up to Leysin since, all of the people went partying and went back with the first train.. It was very crowded. And when I eventually reach my room, I couldn't go to bed without shower, it's something that I just can't do.. and eventhough I'm very tired, I only could sleep for 3 hours, and then I couldn't sleep anymore. It was fun while partying, but the after party is not that really fun.... So I decided not to go there again this year.

So... I came to a resolution... I'll buy something for myself. Then.. the 2 books that I've been dreaming for months..... Brisingr (the 3rd book of Eragon) and New Moon (the 2nd book of Twilight). ^^
It's really cheap anyway, it's cheaper than if I bought from the bookstore. Not to mention if they have the book in english!!! Almost everything here is in French. So.. I'm really happy about it. For these past few days...... I've the feeling of excitement that I've never experienced for quite a long time.. It's fun.

I counted the days...
I keep remembering it...
There's something that I'm waiting for..
and the best thing is...
I know that it's coming!!!!!!
For sure!!!
I felt like a little girl again all of a sudden. Like a child that is waiting for Christmas to come, eager to unwrap all of the boxes under the Christmas Tree.

And... the package came!!! Today!!!!
I'm soooo happy ^^

Though... maybe if it came longer....
It would be more fun....
coz I'll still have something to wait for..

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pemikiran hari ini

dasar otak ini...
maunya bermimpi terus, males untuk melihat kenyataan, padahal kan banyak yang harus dilakukan untuk menghadapi dunia nyata. Tugas-tugas yang harus aku lakukan:
  1. Banquet report
  2. French presentation
  3. Geography presentation
  4. Event presentation
  5. Front office report
  6. Accounting report
  7. Cari internship
Tapi dasar saat aku baru mau mulai mengerjakan.... Kesadaran ini kembali terbang melewati gunung dan awan ke alam fantasi dan imajinasi. Kapan aku bisa selesai???

Apalagi aku harus dengan giat mengejar nilai-nilai ku yang jatuh karena report. Tadi report Marketing baru dibagi >.<. Untungnya... aku masih pass. Aku sudah patah harapan sih.... soalnya... gimana ya..

Jujur nih, aku memang agak males, kalau kerja, ga bisa dari jauh-jauh hari, pasti kalau sudah agak mendekati deadline baru otak ini giat bekerja. Tapi aku tau aku pasti bisa. Sedangkan kemaren, aku kerja bareng dengan partnerku. Dia itu rajin sih, tapi sayang, agak sombong dan terlalu yakin akan kemampuan dia sendiri. Tadinya sih, aku seneng banget bisa kerja bareng dia, soalnya dia kayaknya rajin dan pintar... Tapi ternyata kepintaran dia itu telah membutakan matanya... T.T Dia kerjakanlah satu report itu sendirian tanpa perduli akan kontribusiku terhadap report itu. Salahku juga sih, aku lambat dalam mengerjakan.. Tapi dia juga tidak bilang-bilang akan kemajuan report tersebut. Masa tiba-tiba dia bilang dia sudah selesai????

Apalagi setelah dia konsultasi dengan guru mata pelajarannya, guru ini telah berkata, semua analisa kita harus didukung oleh teori dan direferensi (dia dengan sombongnya menganggap semuanya benar tanpa harus didukung para ahli dan tentunya, tidak direferensi dengan benar... Jujur, kontribusiku dalam report ini bisa dibilang sangat sedikit, aku cuma membenarkan semua layout, membenarkan penulisan kata-katanya yang sering salah eja dan menambahkan solusi marketing yang lain.

Terbukti saja dari hasil yang dibagi..... nilainya hanya pass, dan aku sudah bersyukur banget!!! Tampaknya guruku ini masih bermurah hati dalam memberikan nilai.

Kalian mungkin akan bertanya-tanya, kalau aku sudah tau dari awal bahwa report ini memang tidak bagus dan tidak memenuhi standard, kenapa aku tidak membenarkan saja sebelum dikumpul?? Well... soalnya... teman kerjaku ini ya itu sombong dan yakin bahwa kerjaannya itu benar, padahal sudah kukejar-kejar untuk membuat referens, tapi dia dengan malasnya, dan menuliskan di salah satu media komunikasi internet tanpa bayar yang telah digunakan dengan luas di seluruh dunia setelah namanya bahwa dia tidak butuh referens, karena dia sudah pintar!!!
=.='' ini benar-benar reaksiku waktu membaca tulisannya itu.. Kesal?? iya!! Makanya aku jadi malas.. terserah dia lah, apa pun yang ingin dia lakukan, toh dia tidak menganggap atau pun menghargai aku sebagai partnernya. Kalau dia menghargai pendapatku, seharusnya dia tidak mengerjakan report itu sendirian!

Tadi pun aku sempat mencuri dengar pembicaraannya dengan teman sekelasku, dia bilang nilainya jelek. Lalu temanku pun bertanya, siapa partnermu? (Nb: partnerku ini terkenal satu sekolah sebagai seorang pelajar yang baik, disukai guru-guru, tapi ternyata dibalik imagenya yang super itu.....................) Dia jawablah dengan namaku. Lalu temanku ini (yang sebenarnya hanya kenal dan bukan teman, sejak kita pun tidak pernah berjalan seiringan dalam arti harafiah ataupun bukan) dengan reaksi yang... "oh pantas....."
aku????? KESAL
yah walaupun partnerku menambahkan, sebagian besar dia yang buat, aku hanya buat sedikit saja.

sudahlah malas aku membahasnya.
Ini memang salahku juga kok, aku yang membiarkan report ini dikumpul walaupun aku tau betapa buruk kualitasnya.
Jadi sekarang... ya... terima sajalah.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

For those who thinks my world is perfect

I've been living in a dream
in a place where everything is exactly as I wished
though reality is near
it's covered with a thick mist
though sometimes I got some glimpse
I ignored them
take it as a nightmare
and go on in my dream

in this mind...
my world is wonderland
so beautiful
the perfect picture
a painting without flaw
my little ball of crystal

That's what I seems to be
and that's what you think

but the reality of it...

I'm not living in a dream
but I wished I lived in that dream

I'm no princess
that's innocent and naive
who knows nothing of the world
I might seems to be one
but I'm not

the flaws of my life
are covered and decorated
you'll never seen them
unless you know to the core of me
my life is not perfect
nor that I always happy

you think that I have everything
but.. what is everything???
could anyone would ever have everything???
we live in a real world
not a fairytale
even in fairytale, there's always an evil witch

what make you so envious of me?
that you try to ruin my world
that is not even near to perfect??

how could you betray
someone that never betrayed you?

Avenged is something that is formed in my mind
but what for??
for misunderstanding my world?
I could only pity you

I do have flaws
I'm not innocent either
sadness, betrayals, depression, loneliness
are friends that come to visit every now and then

It's like having a long trip
walk slowly, enjoy the view
should I crossed path with wolves
I just cantered away
left them behind
they might have bitten me
but it's not a reason to hunt all of them down
just go on with the journey
enjoy the forest
trot and canter for fun

no one has a happily ever after kind of life
it's just the way you live your life
the way you treat others
the way you think of yourself
that makes as if you lived in a dream
a sweet dream that everyone dreams about

Sunday, November 30, 2008

dorongan bermain piano

entah kenapa hari ini.... aku kepengeeeeeeennnn banget main piano...
dari bangun tidur.. tiba-tiba otak ini sudah menjalankan memori lagu piano, yang membuat jari-jariku mengetuk-ngetuk ranjang seakan-akan sudah tak sadar ingin membelai piano. aku bingung... >.<
piano ada sih di sekolah, tapi di grand hall..... di ruangan besar tempat semua orang bebas untuk berkumpul, kan maluuuuu >.<
ada juga sih piano satu lagi di gereja sekitar 100 m dari sekolah... tapi... mau jalan ke sana.. dingin", ga masalah sih... tapi aku kepengen punya teman, tapi..
siapa yang bakal mau untuk diajak ke sana? ke sana pun hanya untuk dengeri gw main piano.. klo orang yang ga suka piano, ga suka musik, bisa mati bosan dengerin aku main piano, apalagi aku mainnya juga blom bagus, masih belajar, masih amatir, plus jarang banget latian.

aku ga tau harus ngapain >.<
seandainya aku ada di rumah
seandainya aku punya piano di kamar
seandainya sekolah punya 1 ruangan khusus musik yang bisa leluasa kupakai, jadi ga perlu malu untuk main di grand hall...

klo mau dipikir, tak akan habis kata-kata andaian ini
kenapa juga hari ini otak kananku dengan keras mendikte, memerintah tanganku untuk merasa gatal ingin membelai piano dengan segera dan dengan penuh passion.....
haruskah kumelawan malu untuk main di grand hall??
ini hari minggu sih, biasanya grand hall hampir ga ada orang...
biasanya sih............
haruskah aku ke gereja sendirian?
dengan kemungkinan klo hall nya dipake, ya bakal ada orang dan aku juga ga mungki main...

haruskah aku mencoba grand hall dulu?
kalau tidak ada orang, mungkin aku akan lebih berani walau itu di tempat umum....
haruskah aku lari ke hall gereja?????
sekarangpun jari-jariku dengan tak sabar ingin main piano dan sekarang menari-nari di atas keyboard laptop ku.
berbisik... "ayo cepat... buat keputusan.... kami tak sabar ingin menekan tuts piano........"
tapi aku sendiri masih tak kuat menahan malu... >.<

haruskah kuajak whaness untuk ke grand hall skarang?
ajak dia untuk main piano.. yah.. walaupun dia 80% bakal nolak
kalau kepepet.. ya kucoba ke gereja lah....
ini lagi nunggu upload foto selesai sih, smoga aja cepet selesai, trus aku main piano deh
moga" whaness mau
moga" grand hall sepi... hehehe

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dear Banquet,

why is your shadow still above my head?
why do I still thinking about you
and be deeply burdened by it?

I should have been over you
You should be only history for me
cause our relations are over!!!
Well, not completely though,
since I still need to see you
and we have some business undone

I'm so tired of you
honestly, I am
if I can, I want to run away
leave you behind
run away
forget everything

I hate all the problems that you brought me
I hate all of the sorrow that I have to feel
I'm so tired

because of you,
I felt so exhausted
that made me tired of being care
Why should I care,
if anyone else doesn't care?????
Why do I need to clean the mess that you made??

Why should I experienced such a bad time with you?
I expected something really nice with you
like before it used to be...

it wasn't you really...
it's all the people that were involved in our relationship
other people
that ruin our relation
too bad, isn't it?....
but it's over now

should we cross our path later
I wish, it's going to be a more intimate relation
just between us
with the people that are going to strengthen it
not to ruin it

though I'm disappointed
I secretly keep a deep passion for you

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My ROA result

Subject Mid Term Average Letter Grade GPA

Advanced French 93 89 B+ 3.30
Banquet & Events 80 80 B- 2.70
Business Communication
Financial Accounting 97 97 A+ 4.00
Front Office&Room Division 76 76 C 2.00
Front Office Operations 94 94 A 3.85
Geography of Travel & Tourism 76 76 C 2.00
Housekeeping Management 80 80 B- 2.70
Housekeeping Operations 93 93 A 3.85
Internship II
Introduction to Events 91 91 A- 3.70
Introduction to Tourism 87 87 B+ 3.30

Total Average 86 B 3.00

Professional Attitude : Highest Professional Attitude

Provisional Passing grade : Merit

I was so scared that I'm going to fail front office management, but.. here I am.. I passed!!!!!! ^^
So happy though today I'm a bit sick...
and in two days.. in only 2 days, I'll have my banquet >.<>.<

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

>.< cemas..

Aku cemas, tapi juga excited banget... >.<

Besok : midterm report
3 hari lagi : Banquet

aku udah pasrah soal FO
aku yakin... nilaiku antara 60-70
klo bisa sampe 70 ke atas... it's a miracle!!!

at least.. I know for sure that my french is 88.....
tadi dikasih tau nilainya pas di kelas french.
J'aime le francaise ^^

banquet.. banquet...
kita blom siap banget siiihhhh
tapi juga gw da ga sabar... ga sabar banget supaya banquet ini cepat berakhir
cepat berlalu
biar aku ga pusing lagi sama segala macam yang membuat kepala ini migrain
biar aku ga perlu lagi menghadapi orang-orang yang super individual dan ga bisa bertanggung jawab itu...
biar aku lepas dari belenggu posisi dan tanggung jawab yang membuat aku ga tenang akhir-akhir ini...
gimana bisa tenang??? kalo orang-orang itu ga bisa dipercaya, dikasih tanggung jawab ga mau diambil, malah dioper-oper, udah dibantu malah dimanfaatin dan disuruh-suruh. Kamu temanku katamu??? Bohong... Kalau aku temanmu kamu harusnya bantu aku bukannya tinggalin aku. Aku kesal dengan mereka.. mereka dengan mudahnya mengatakan 'kita teman' padahal cuma mau supaya aku yang ambil getahnya...

Aku mau supaya banquet ini cepat selesai
Tuhan, kabulkanlah doaku.... supaya banquet ini selesai dengan lancar, dengan masalah dan perselisihan sedikit mungkin >.<

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


ada sesuatu yang hilang
sesuatu yang penting
yang membuatku gersang
bagai kerang
yang kosong

rasanya hampa
hari tanpa warna
senang sementara
sepi kembali menyapa

aku bahagia
aku kecewa
aku tertawa
aku merana
rasanya sama
hanya sementara

ke manakah harus kucari?
yang membawa mentari
yang membuatku menari
dan bernyanyi?

kutanyakan pada bintang
kubisikkan pada angin
kudendangkan pada bulan
kuisyaratkan pada awan
kumenunggu jawab mentari

j'ai attendu

bintang bermain mata
angin bernyanyi mendayu
bulan menatap lembut
awan menari riang
tapi mentari tak kunjung tiba

j'ai attendu

sampai pekat malam
membawa kelam
dan jantung ini diam

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My paragliding experience

there're lots of things that I want to share right now......
really... lot's of them...

ok, gw mulai dari.. liburan gw.

Hari Kamis kemaren itu hari terakhir gw ujian. French Exam, dan ujiannya tuh selesai jam 5.15pm. Tebak gw cabut dari ni skolah jam berapa? jam 6.57 pm hehehehe. Benar-benar yang namanya selesai ujian, cabuuut!!!!! Apalagi kali ini gw dapet 3 hari buat weekend, soalnya hari Jumat kan libur jadinya hehe. ^^

Malam itu juga, gw dan teman sekamar gw pergi ke Interlaken. Jujur, kita ga gitu tau daerahnya, dan ternyata... honestly, kita ga punya rencana gimana kita mau spend the day. So, the next morning, kita cuma jalan-jalan, liat-liat toko, yah, berjalan ke mana kaki kita membawa. Lalu, tiba-tiba, gw melihat ada orang paragliding baru mendarat sekitar 100m di depan, langsunglah gw foto-foto. Tapi rumet gw... dia malah lari ke sana mau minta info. Kepengen dianya.... Wah, gw siiih... paragliding ga pernah ada di dalam kamus gw. Gimana ga?? Gw takut banget yang namanya ketinggian!!! gw ini penganut setia acrophobia. Emang, gw selalu coba untuk melatih diri gw untuk lebih friendly dengan yang namanya tempat-tempat tinggi. Contohnya, gw pernah coba rappeling, turun dari lantai 3 pake 1 tali waktu ada acara demo Pecinta Alam di SMA gw. Ok, honestly, I was quite enjoying it... but... gw juga baru nyadar klo gw gemeteran abis waktu kaki-kaki gw menjejak tanah, both my hands and legs are shaking!! But still, I like it, and I'm proud of it. hehehe

Apparently, temen sekamar gw bener-bener kepengen banget paragliding dan dia sudah memutuskan untuk positif coba sekarang juga. Karena pilot paraglidingnya ada waktu straight away. Well it's a tandem paragliding, so it's save for a beginner or.. an.. acrophobic like me. hehe. Then.. I got 2 options.. 1. go with them and try paragliding 2. stay behind and wait for her. Terus... setelah gw pikir-pikir.. kapan lagi gw bakal dapat kesempatan paragliding?? Ini sesuatu yang pasti ga akan pernah gw cari atopun gw akan ikut klo pun ada kesempatan lagi. Jadi, kenapa ga gw coba aja sekarang? Pengalaman sekali seumur hidup toh ga akan membunuh gw kan? hehehe So... I decided to come.

Emang sih, kegiatan yang satu ini cukup menguras kantong, tapi... kapan lagi coba gw coba hal yang satu ini? hehehe. Apakah gw ketakutan? oh pasti!!! Apalagi waktu liat landasannya... itu tuh pendek banget!! cuma.. 1 meter terus langsung landai banget, yang pasti gw bukannya running down, tapi rolling down! Gw takut >.< tapi waktu akhirnya disuruh lari, I have no choice but run..... run in that short track, and before I know it... I'm flying already! Scary?? Yes it is!! I screamed a bit at first lol... Yeah, I always scream if I'm scared hehehe.... for a moment, I didn't even dare to move... but then.... gw dah agak tenang, dan gw mulai menikmati pemandangan yang emang bagus banget!! Pemandangan yang ga bakal bisa gw liat kalo kaki gw masih mejejak tanah!! hehehe

Lihatlah betapa pendeknya itu runway... >.<

Tadinya, gw pikir buat landing juga gw bakal ketakutan banget... tapi.. ternyata ga juga. Gw ga takut sama sekali buat landing, bahkan landing gw bisa dibilang perfect. Gw bisa berdiri, stop, dan ga goyah sama sekali. Ga tau juga kenapa, mungkin karena gw udah excited sama paragliding jadi gw lebih berani dan bisa. hehehe

Yup, I enjoyed paragliding ^^

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

who are you? // Siapa kamu?

Who are you?
you've been visiting me
but I don't know you

you left no marks
no signs
no words
no tracks
only something

that keeps bothering me
that makes me wonder
no hope
but thoughts

you said no hello
and no good bye

I don't even know
whether you knock the door
or not
you always come
when I'm not there

you left nothing
that would make me know
who you are

only something
of someone been there

there's no witness
there's a lot of possibilities
there are thousands of people
that could be you

Siapa kamu?
yang menjengukku

kau pergi dan datang
tanpa kata
tanpa jejak
tanpa suara
tanpa tanda

hanya sesuatu
yang kau pajang di depanku
yang mewakili jutaan penduduk
yang mengusikku
membangkitkan khayalku

akankah kau baca kataku?
akankah kata ini mengusikmu?
seperti sesuatu mengusikku?

kau selalu ada
dikala ku tak ada
seakan kau sudah sadar
kesempatan kau manfaatkan
seakan kau perhatian
dan aku tidak

bila kau perhatian
jangan buatku penasaran
buatku merana
buatku menebak
tanpa arah

tunjukkan dirimu
jangan kau malu
kuhanya ingin tahu

gini deh klo lagi kegandrungan puisi
padahal ini lagi minggu ujian
besok masih ujian
masih harus buat report
aku ngapain????
nulis puisi

Monday, November 3, 2008

Bodohnya gw

Ntah kenapa gw ini bego ya kadang-kadang.
Trus nyadarnya telat lagi....

hiks hiks
Masa tadi gw exam gw ga perhatiin tuh soal bener" sih????
Udah ngerasa kok aneh... soalnya kurang lebih sama dengan yang pertama, tapi tetep aja masa bodoh dan kerjain tuh soal dengan tenangnya. Saat sesudah waktu kurang dari 5 menit... barulah mataku itu menangkap 1 kata yang membuat semua penjelasan panjang lebarku sia-sia....
dan yang gw buat adalah RESERVATION!!!!!!!


Bodoh! Bodoh! Bodoh!
Tolol! Bego! Dungu!

Bisa-bisanya aku ga perhatiin soal!!
dan soal essay ini nilainya 20 out of 100
Dan passing grade nya tuh 70!!
Kalo kalian kalkulasi... jelas banget kan, max score yang bisa gw dapet itu cuma 80 dan passing gradenya tuh 70!!!
my God.... kemungkinan besar, gw ga pass T.T
hilang sudah kesempatan medapat nilai bagus
remuk sudah angan menggapai honour

dan yang lebih mengesalkan lagi....
bukan gara" gw ga mampu...
tapi gara" gw ga teliti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

apa daya bila ingin memancing ikan,
peralatan lengkap, umpan pun siap
pancingan dipasang,
Ikan pun datang
umpan diganyang
kail ditarik dengan kencang
pancingan pun terbang
tertarik ikan...
pancingan itu tuh dipegang loh ya bukan ditinggalin
dasar bodoh!!!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


1)Do you always answer your phone?
yes if I realized it.. hehe
2) Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
I think it's going to be my mom, or my other friends from that side of the world ;)
3) If you could change your eye color what would it be?
dark blue? hehe I love blue so much ^^
4) Do u Like Dr Pepper ?
5)Do you own a digital camera?
6)Have you ever had a pet fish?
7) Favorite Christmas song?
um.... the drummer boy? hehe
8) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
mini chaps!.. er... maybe not.. it's too long to wait for my next birthday lol
so.. it's going to be .. .. .. um.. .. I think just the money would be ok. ;)
9) Can you do push ups?
not a real push ups though lol
10) Can you do a chin up?
.. never try hehe
11)Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
both? :)
12) Do you have any saved texts? Who are they from and what do they say?
I just never erased them
13) Ever been in a spore flyer?
14) Do you have an accent?
I don't think so
15) What is the last song to make you cry?
last song.. .. Because I'm a girl?
16) Plans tonight?
french restaurant
17)Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
yeah sure
18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
train ticket, croissant for breakfast, lunch
20) Current worry?
reports, exams, and that f*****g banquet
21) Current hate right now?
tong-tong kosong!!!!!!
22) Met someone who changed your life?
everyone that passed by
23) How did you celebrate in the past New Year?
Partying in Stravinski Hall, Montreux
24) What song represents you?
Shut Up - simple plan
25) Name three people who might complete this?
um.. I, don't, know.. hehe
26) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
yup, NOT to be a volunteer in this so individual class
27) Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
not yet
28) Do you have any tattoo/piercing?
29) Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now?
I don't know
30) Does anyone love you?
I'm sure about that
31) Would you be a ninja?
it would be cool hehehe
32) What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't sing in the shower, hehe
33) Ever had someone sing to you?
yes!!!! ^^ such a nice memory :)
34) When did you last cry?
35) What is in your pocket?
don't have pocket now
36) Do you like to cuddle?
37) Have you held hands with anyone today?
38) Who was the last person you took a picture of?
me!! hehe
40) How many TVs do you have in your house?
er.. in my house? 3
41) Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
42) Do you like pulpy orange juice?
it's ok
43) What is something your friends make fun of you for?
er... my secret admirers?? lol
44) Do you like to play Scrabble?
not really
45) What are you saving your money up for right now?
to survive until next internship without asking any money from my parents ^^
46) When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly?
can't remember
47) What song do you want played at your funeral?
.. never think of that. maybe my immortal? hehe
48) What were you doing 12 AM last night?
chatting with my room mate
49) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
what time is it??