Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Special Thing That Happened

here is one of the reason why it's so hard to move on...
This long quote from my friend's blog, Febrina.
in this place and era of individualism, I really miss solidarity...


26th January 2007

An unforgetable day
For me, for my third grade high school classmates, and of course, for Leedwin

I was reading all unread posts I haven't read in my FS group... And I remembered one thing when it came to the post Leedwin posted...
Check this out...
Temen2ku tercinta�.. hoho�

Aq dak tw nak ngo apo lagi� Thx nn e� baek nn kalian ne galonyo.. XII p2..

The Oksida.. kompak nean.. aq dak tw lagi nak cak mano tadi tu kalo dak ado kalian2 yg Bantu aq� tahan keluar pas jam pelajran� Tahan keno marah amo Pak Kasdi.. ampe pak kasdi ngo.. kalian mau di hukum atau keluar kelas� kalian galonyo keluar.. cuman sekitar 7 uong di kelas tadi.. seluruhnyo la di lapangan bola galo.. terharu nn aq tadi�

Agung na yg biaso diem biso ampe ngorek2 rumput kaget nn aq.. katonyo ampe cak nanem padi.. thx nn yoh gung.. trus demut.. pake acara maeni batang ampe nyari2 sibuk nn.. thx yoh ketuo kelas.. trus achmed.. ampe jgk2 got.. ngorek2� thx nn e� dgn abed jg.. sibuk nn ngorek2 comberan� ampe tangannyo kotor galo e.. sorry e.. thx nn tapi� seneng nn aq punyo temen cak kalian.. trus febrina,,, masuk2 ampe ke kelas2.. sibuk jg febrina tadi dgn valent..,, lisa jg.. merin� seluruhnyo.. yg la bantu nyari khususnyo shinta yg dr awal muter2 lapangan.. trus charles cupes diowong.. seru tanyo cak mano tadi aq lari nyo.., rute lari... Aq dak nyangko kalian baek galo.. Mungkin bagi kalian ah.. cuman �jepitan� untuk apo di cari.. tapi kalian semua baek2 galo.. nyarike galo... yetty jg... dico... ampe sibuk jg nyari.. yg paling semangat.. td tu sedi nn aq.. liat kalian2 galonyo baek2 galo dgn aq.. seneng nn rasonyo dak tw lagi la nka ngo apo ttg kalian.. oh yo aq ampir lupo.. Wewe... ampe nak panggil �ipo� cak paranormal cak tu e.. klo di pikir2 geli jg.. thx nn we e... la susah2 nelpon... tapi dak masuk e?? Hwhw.. dpp la.. thx nn lah.. liat kalian galonyo... skrg be masi teringet2 aq.. ternyata kelas XIIP2 uongny baek2.. solidaritasny tinggi.. semuanyo............. aq dak biso sebuti satu per satu... thx 4 all... yg namonyo dak kusebuti thx nn e.. pokoknyo thx lah.........Thx nn e... dak ado kato2 lagi aq selain Terima kasih dgn kalian galonyo.... thx nn.... Friend 4 eva.. okey??

Keep in touch ok?
I just copied and pasted it here... It remained the same and original, fresh from the oven (hmm, not really, because it's been nearly two years =P), from Leedwin...
Yep, maybe most of you didn't understand what she talked about, or just simply you didn't know what language she was using...
Haha, it's Palembang language, and she talked about The Oksida's great effort to help her...
Now, I'll try to retell what happened that day...
26th January 2007... It was Friday, and if I'm not mistaken, we had Art class at the first and second slots in our timetable... Like usual, we always did some mess whenever art class was coming, maybe because of Mr. JM who was too kind, too patient, too good for our class... Haha...
And that day, one of my friend, Leedwin, came late to school... She didn't attend the first two hour class because of her lateness... She had to do the punishment... Yeah, a punishment with a big bunch of people that also arrived after the gate had been closed... They had to run around the football yard... The size of the football court wasn't like the one in stadium, but, believe me, it's tiring... Haha...
She joined us, if my memory is still good, nearly in the end of art class... She still chit-chatted for a while before the bell rang to transfer all of us into the second class... I forgot what class we should have had at that time, but I think the teacher didn't show up or something, so that all of us being more and more crazy: move here and there to 'socialize' (read: gossip) with others, sang together, and created some noise... Ooh, I really missed those times... >.<
Then, Leedwin realized that her hairpin was missing... She started to become very worry, and at last, you can guess, she cried... And after that, most of us noticed that something was wrong with her, gathered around her, and started kaypoh-ing...
That hairpin was very precious to her... It was from her mom, that had gone to heaven, and it was the last present she gave to Leedwin...
Some of my friends started to join her crying, some looked very worry, and some didn't care... We started to ask her the punishment route, whether she remembered anything about the hairpin, etc, etc... I can only say that we started to feel very 'Sherlock Holmes' that day... Haha...
And, we decided to go out and try to find it around the school... Actually, it could drop everywhere around the school, and the school was not small (at least, before I saw NTU)... And, disregarding thoseimpossibilities to find the hairpin, we still wanted to fight...
When we were about to leave the class, Mr. Kasdi came and confront us... He gave us choice whether we wanted to be punished or we insisted on going out in study time...
Whooolaaa... Most of us went out and left around seven people whom I didn't remember... We went to the football court, circled it, and tried to find the pin... Some looked inside the drainage path... We went here and there... Valent and I even went into Kantor Kesiswaan, asked the data od late students that day, went into classes, asked permission from the teachers inside, and informed about this lost precious hairpin... We thought that someone might be taking it if they saw it lying on the ground...
And then, the first break time bell rang... We felt very hopeless... But, we still tried... We couldn't help seeing Leedwin cry all the way... I went to Tata Usaha, used a little part of my authority as OSIS committee, I announced through the speakers about this... I hoped that the power of chain message would affect more or less... Anyone heard about this might ask and inform other and hopefully we could find the little guy...
And at last, after a long lasting search, we finally found it...
It was with Delia... She found it when they were doing the punishment... She asked some people about the thing, but noone knew... Unfortunately, she didn't ask Leedwin...
And the story ended happily ever after...
The day is very unforgetable...
Moral of the story:
1. It's very happy if we can help others
2. Sometimes breaking the rules is not a bad thing
3. A little act of kindness goes a long way (^_-)
4. Don't come late to school or you will lose your hairpin (lol)
Waaah, I really missed those high school days, with the same dress everyday, the same class, the same teachers, the same classes... I miss my high school time... It's irreplacable...^^
The Oksida (The Orang-Orang Keren Dua Belas IPA Dua)...
U're the best I've ever had


I also took part in this detective game, also using my authorities as OSIS committee. It was such a great issue at school. We told the sport teachers that are in the football field what was going on, so we asked permission to search there. In the end, he wasn't only given us permission, but also told the classes that were having sport lesson to help us. "JALAN keliling lapangan dengan kepala menunduk ke bawah!!!!" So... in a very short time, there are LOTS of people walked around the footbal field trying to find that little particular hair pin!!!!

The other thing that I remember vividly... is when we walked class to class, to give small announcement in every class. Trying to persuade who ever that pick that hairpin... Please.. please return it.. it's worth nothing for you, but it worth more than a million to our friend. To be honese, we actually scared that the teachers would complaint to us, because of this small matter. It's true, it's just a hairpin though it's the last present that our friend received from her late mother, but still that thing will never be replaced by anything else in the world. But the teachers respond was beyond our predictions... They didn't complain at all, they even helped us!! Us!! Who's using our studying time to go around and making this small announcements! I remembered clearly one of the speech that a teacher gave in the class. It's all about solidarity and personal value...

In the end of our 'searching'.. we realized one thing, it's not only how great our class is.. but also the solidarity that really EXIST in our school, with 1600 students and 200 staffs!!!!!!
Something that I'm really sure, that will never happen in the place where I belong now...

Miss all of you, loving all of you, wishing that our friendship and solidarity will never end.

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