Friday, January 18, 2008

facing the past

Facing the past is really not easy, specially if it's about something that you don't really like to face.
I'm having it now.. to be honest.

but running away is not the answer, I know that.
The only way out is to facing it bravely.
Admit your mistakes.
Ask for forgiveness.

and that's what I'm doing now.

But behind all of these,
I realize that deep inside,
I am afraid..

afraid that my mistakes are not forgiven
afraid that the past problem will be present again
the problem that made me decided to end everything
until yesterday
when I realized.. the time is over.
It's been better for both of us
and as a friend,
I am bond to help
for friendship is the only thing that I can offer

and friendship is more pure than relationship
coz friendship is for eternity
a relation that can last what ever happen
without any need to have any feeling
it's just pure..

or at least, that's what I got from my best friends
I know, with them, I will never walk alone
what ever happen
they'll be there for me
and I'll be there for them.
None of them or us that will ever walk alone.
Except if one of us fall.. the others will not fall.
coz if everyone's fall.. who's going to help??


Anonymous said...

Oh that's right vin.... I think friendship like u is better than other.... And now, I feel confused...

Vienne said...

yup.. that's right
Why do you feel confused??

Lisa said...

I think every post in ur comment must be from someone I know.....
Some one gotta jealous...

Vienne said...

I'm in a state that need blessing from God.. for Exaaam!!!!

so, I won't give any comment for that. well.. at least...
until next week..
when exam's over!!!