Setelah penderitaan yang dimulai dari hari Senin.... akhirnya telah sampailah saya pada hari Sabtu, dimana hanya tinggal event presentation pada hari Senin dan Marketing Exam pada hari Selasa. hehehe.
Kembali kepada kebiasaanku.. di saat aku seharusnya membaca buku Marketing, kuputuskan untuk menulis blog. hehe
Ujianku..... dimulai dari biscom yang benar" mengarang bebas seindah-indahnya, dilanjutkan dengan french 3 yang listeningnya super cepet seakan-akan si direktur dari Guide Michelin itu bakal mati klo tidak menyelesaikan semua yang ingin dia katakan dalam tempo waktu sesingkat-singkatnya........ yang membuat semua pengerja exam menghela napas sedalam-dalamnya saat recording itu selesai. Mau bagaimana lagi? kita harus menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan based on the recording yang cepatnya bagai dikejar setan itu dan only from this recording, nilainya 25 point out of 100!!!!!!!!
Gila... aku jawabnya cuma berdasarkan common sense dan pengetahuan dari bacaan tentang gudie michelin waktu kelas terakhir french.... I hope that it helps hehehe
Then introduction to tourism... I like the subject, I like the teacher, for sure I can do it well. hehehe. I even studied the dark age out of curiosity.. and found more about the vampire's legends!!!! Nice reading.... ^^ hahahahahaha
Then the housekeeping management.... er... not so good.. but... hei!!!!! it's over!!!!! I don't even need to open those books anymore!!!! hehehehe
Adios, Au revoir, ^^
The accounting report is done too!!!! well, I think it might not be really good.. but I don't care anymore! it's so confusing..... >.<
Just really glad that we've finished it! hehehehe
Yesterday.. I decided to be my holiday... I went to Aigle with my roommate for lunch, it's in a Thai Restaurant, we really felt as if we're back to Asia... such a nice feeling. ^^ then we went to Vevey. I found a scarf that I was looking in Esprit for in a cheap price ^^.
Well, I only got 2 more things to do now... and I only concerned about marketing.. because of the essays questions.... that each worth 40 points..... I can't fail to answer any!!! since if I failed, for sure I'm going to fail the course, cause the passing grade is 70.........
*sigh.. *
Wish me luck!!!!
then can step into another working life...
Terima kasih
I'll try ^^
Smangat e pu!!
gud luck!
thanks e pu ^^
I'll try my best ^^
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