Monday, December 21, 2009

trying snowboarding

besok.. will be the first time I'll try snow boarding
olahraga yang populer banget di kalangan anak muda swiss
never tried it before, it's time to try :D
I'm not good with cold.. I know, I do love snow, but I can't stay with them for long
well, I got to try at least once right?

besok is going to be the day..

yah.. walau sebenernya badan ini masih pegel linu gara" horse riding kemaren...
semoga semoga semoga besok udah ga pegel" lagi :D

udah siapin kompress panas nih.. buat menghilangkan pegal linu di badan hehehe

waaaa I'm so excited..
though in the same time... nervous, anxious, and afraid
I'm afraid that it's not going to be a pleasant time for me..
I'm afraid that it's going to be too cold or rough for me..

I got to try to find out right?
maybe I'm going to enjoy it
maybe I'm going to love it
who knows....
