Sunday, January 10, 2010

Exam: Day 1

12.45 PM

Again, I always ended up here when I'm supposed to study...
I have Management Principles for tomorrow, Marketing in Service Industry for Tuesday and Human Resource for Wednesday.

Did I study before?? NO.
Am I good in these subjects? Um.. let me think... er... not really, er.. so, that's a.. NO.
Are there a lot to study? OF COURSE!!

So? What am I doing here??? er........................................... running away? yeah right....
I'm not going to study if I don't have the mood anyway, my studying mood will only goes ON at night. It's a gift from God that I'm able to remember my studies in a short time I guess, if not I would have been screwed since long time ago I guess.

Ugh... Gw bener" ga tau mesti ngapain suapaya bisa langsung belajar.. ato supaya bisa lebih niat belajar... bingung deh, susah banget buat bikin nih mood jadi studying mood... >.< style="text-align: center;">----------------------

05.25 PM

Exam pressure is felt everywhere from the third years, as well as report pressure from the BA's. In my room, Francis, Cindy and me were crazy for some times and start giggling and laughing out loud of everything.... after few hours of revising.

When the craziness stop, Francis went back to her 'hot seat', Cindy made a cocoon on the bed and I went to a good, long and warm shower. :D

Just after the shower, I went to the balcony to get some chilling fresh air, yeah... it's winter and -2 C outside just with a shirt and a short (the power of hot shower).. then I heard.....

"O Soooooloooo Mioooooooooo, .. .. .. .." (go on with the lyrics..) a voice of a guy from a balcony somewhere of this school. Loud, clear and proud, though... not really good to hear I must admit. Oh well, it's just another 'crazy' student because of the exam pressure.

Yup, we're not the only ones.....


07.04 PM

"ugh... I sat too long, my back is painful.. Vivienne, do you mind walking in my back?"
"Sure, no problem"

after several moments of walking on the back...

"are you actually having exercise too out of this?"
"yeah... um, well, actually ANYTHING BUT STUDYING"


"can you imagine our room without all of this cupboard?"
"well, it's going to be very empty..."
"yeah, it would be so ugly.. what would that place be I wonder.."
"um.. if we could still have the little table, I guess it would be great to have
more big pillows and just put it there, make it a little living room or something"
"reading corner!!"
"yeah, that would be great!"
"I can imagine reading a good book there with a pot of tea next to me"
"and a plate of cookies and chocolate on the table"
"yeah!! that would be really nice!! I want to have one now.. just relax, read
a good book with tea and cookies"
"isn't it a wrong conversation for a day before the exam?"

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